>>Python>Diagram Collection>/>/layers.py

0.2.8b 10/09

- general changes:
    Introducing vmin, vmax.

- changes in class Layer3D:
    In __init__(..., vmin = None, vmax = None), new paramaters, calling
    set_vlim(vmin, vmax)

0.2.7b 5/09

- general changes:
    Introducing envelope fmt.

- changes in class Layer2D:
    In __init__(..., fmt_envelope=None, ...), new parameter; calling
        set_fmt with new parameter.
    In set_fmt(..., fmt_envelope=None), new parameter; setting

0.2.6b 5/09

- changes in class Layer2D:
    In set_envelope(), BUGFIX: calling set_changed() properly.

0.2.5b 2/09

- introducing support for envelope error mode in Layer2D:
    __init__() has new argument `envelope=False'

0.2.4b 1/09

- change in class Layer3D:
    Introducing support for onedimensional X and Y.

0.2.3 11/08

- introducing in class Layer2D:
    Initialization argument `color'.


- introducing in class Layer3D:

- fix in class Layer3D:
    compliance with set_changed() in __init__


- removing class LayerHistogram2D
    its functionality is outsourced to the new project Histogram2D


- introducing class LayerHistogram2D

- class Layer3D:
    support for two colormaps: black-and-white (cm.gray) and others (cm.jet)


- introducing in class Layer2D:
    arguments x_en and y_en
    use of set_x, set_y and set_fmt in __init__


- introducing class Layer:

- deriving Layer2D and Layer3D from Layer

- introducing in class Layer2D:


- class Layer2D

- class Layer3D
