>>Theoretical Physics>Multislit>Multislit Files>/>/panels/>/panels/roi.py

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- changes in behaviour of ROI:
    Symmetric span will no longer be set automatically if it exists. It will
        also not be set to None if it does not exist. This has been done
        because of the following sequence: When Setpoint and Symmetric Range
        are set and do exist, setting Symmetric Span manually to None will
        have no real effect, since it will be restored as soon as the focus
        goes over From or To. Thus, the behaviour to set Symmetric Span
        automatically when From, To and Setpoint allow for, is inhibited now.
    So the only behaviour of ROI is now, to set From and To if Setpoint is
        changed and Symmetric Span is set, and to adjust From and To if
        Symmetric Span is changed and Setpoint is set.

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- changes in behaviour of ROI:
    If Symmetric Span is not set, it will not be automatically set if the span
        is symmetric.
    If the Setpoint is changed, the From an To values will not be
        automatically shifted, unless Symmetric Span is set.
    If Symmetric Span is set, it will be sustained if Setpoint is altered,
        thus changing From and To appropriately.
    Thus, no more unwanted overwriting of specification occurs. Overwriting
        can be requested for From and To by specifying Symmetric Span.

- changes in class ROI:
    In __init__(master), creating the ROI for 2D and 3D together, thus
        displaying choices for both; changes in parameters.
    In __init__(), creating buttons.
    Renaming check_x/y/z_lim() to make_x/y/z_span().
    Deleting update_x/y/z_setpoint(), callback directly to update_x/y/z_span().

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- changes in class ROI:
    In update_x/y/z_setpoint(): Calling update_x_lim().

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- changes in class ROI:
    In __init__(), introducing entries for "symmetric span".
    Introducing update_x/y/z_setpoint/lim/span().

- introducing global variables:
    X,Y,Z (for use with ROI.var_choice.get())

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- introducing class ROI:
